Free Whitepaper

6 Questions About Smart Campaigns: Answered

What's Inside

  • Answers to common questions about Smart Shopping Campaigns 

  • Solutions to tracking problems 

  • How to see network placements 

  • Alternative ways to direct ad spend other than negative keywords 

  • How to stop Smart Shopping campaigns from taking traffic from standard campaigns 

  • The best way to segment Smart Shopping campaigns

All Your Smart Shopping Questions: Answered

How Can I Overcome the Limitations of Smart Shopping Campaigns?

Smart Campaigns are designed to save you time. They are a more hands-off approach to building Google Shopping campaigns compared to standard campaign builds. These automated campaigns make a lot of things easier for advertisers (and can definitely be successful with the right management!), but there are still quite a few limitations. 

Since we use a profit-driven model to manage our clients’ campaigns, we needed to find a way to track the success of Smart Shopping campaigns to ensure profit was maximized for our clients. In our journey to making Smart Shopping campaigns profitable, we had to answer certain questions—and find solutions to the limitations of Smart Shopping campaigns. In this guide, we’ll explore those questions and limitations and discuss how proactive management can help you overcome these challenges! 

Make Your Smart Shopping Campaigns Profitable

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