Free How-to Guide

How to Improve Your Product Titles

The foundation of any shopping campaign (Google, Bing, or anywhere else) is your product feed. Learn how to leverage your customer data to write better product titles! 

What's Inside

In this whitepaper, you’ll learn…

Why detailed titles are so important;

Which key product features are commonly overlooked in title optimization; and

How to use your advertising data to develop new, high-converting titles and descriptions!

Better Product Titles.
More Clicks. Increased Sales.

Do Your Product Titles Win Sales?

Product title optimization: it sounds like a tedious, manual process that can’t really make that much difference. Small fixes that might move the needle but won’t make or break advertising.

But last year, 47% of purchases worldwide occurred online – and 90% of in-store purchasers reported researching a product online before heading out to buy it. Your primary objective as an advertiser is to appear in front of as many relevant customers as possible, but they can’t decide to purchase unless they know what you’re offering. These improvements are a key factor in making sure Google knows where (and to whom) to serve your ads, and in giving customers the necessary information to know whether your product is what they’re looking for!

Unfortunately, these fixes are too often overlooked. We find many a retailer whose products have short, nondescript titles (or even those that don’t accurately describe the product!) We’ve put together this guide to help. In it, you’ll find a data-driven way to improve your product listings, using terms and phrases your customers are already incorporating in their search for your products. Let’s get started!

Ready to Improve Your Product Titles?

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