Build a Keyword Strategy for Amazon Ads
Use cross-channel insights from Google Shopping to generate keywords for Amazon. Learn how in this whitepaper:
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Ready to Build Your Amazon Keyword Strategy?
Pull Amazon Ads
Keywords from Google Shopping
Building a solid Amazon Ads keyword strategy for your manual targeting campaigns isn’t easy. It requires a lot of time and research! If you run Google Shopping campaigns, though, you’re in luck. You can use your Google Shopping search terms on Amazon!
Whether you’re just getting started with manual targeting campaigns or adding keywords to your existing campaigns, your Google search terms can help! Within these terms, an n-gram analysis will sort out the terms that will drive the most profit on Amazon. Combined, these cross-channel insights can help you take your campaigns to the next level!
Are you building out your manual targeting campaigns for the first time? Or are you just trying to add keywords to your existing campaigns? Either way, we’ll show you how to use your Google search terms and an n-gram analysis to find the most valuable keywords for Amazon Ads.