Vocab for Marketers: CTA



CTA, or call-to-action, is a clear marketing prompt that encourages people to take a specific action, which further pushes them through the sales and marketing funnel. Typical examples include completing a sale, downloading content, signing up for emails, or signing up for a service. 

How Marketers Use CTAs

CTAs guide and motivate audiences to engage with your brand, and marketers utilize them strategically to drive action among their potential and current customer base. The reason CTAs are so important to marketers is because they are universal—and trackable. They can be placed across a variety of mediums and channels, and are prevalent throughout each stage of the funnel from awareness, interest, desire, to action. Since they are trackable, marketers can (and should) report on them to measure success of marketing efforts and performance.

They are commonly used throughout a blog post, on webpages as either a button or link, in social media posts, on websites for content downloads, in advertisements across the web, and more. Here’s an example of CTAs used in the top, middle, and bottom of the funnel:

Top of funnel (awareness)
  • CTA: Get the Latest News
  • Supporting copy: Sign up for our monthly newsletter to stay updated on the latest from this brand and get exclusive offers.
  • Goal: To increase brand and product awareness. The CTA and supporting copy evokes a sense of curiosity and exclusivity, encouraging people to sign up and learn more about your brand.
  • Typical conversion point: Blog or website footer
Middle of funnel (interest/desire)
  • CTA: Learn More
  • Supporting copy: Check out all the details about this product’s features.
  • Goal: Provide detailed information that helps build trust and addresses questions or concerns the shopper may have, moving them closer to a purchase decision.
  • Typical conversion point: Website homepage, website product page, paid ads
Bottom of funnel (action):
  • CTA: Get Free Shipping
  • Supporting copy: Today only! Save on shipping when you buy this product.
  • Goal: Offer an immediate benefit to the shopper, like free shipping, to prompt them to complete a purchase.
  • Typical conversion point: Paid ads (retargeting), email, SMS, website announcement bar

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