7 Tips for Black Friday and Cyber Monday Prep on Amazon [Infographic]

Tick Tock, Tick Tock. Black Friday and Cyber Monday on Amazon Are Fast Approaching.

It’s time to get ready! Q4 is creeping up on us—and so are Black Friday and Cyber Monday on Amazon. Get your campaigns finalized now so you can run them early, collect important data, and understand the effect of your Amazon campaigns on other channels. Being prepared is your #1 key to success this holiday season!

In this infographic, you’ll learn our top 7 tips for getting ready for Black Friday and Cyber Monday on Amazon. Grab a pen and pencil, open your notepad on your desktop—because you’ll want to take notes! Let’s get started:

You’ve already made the most important step: you’ve started planning early. Once you’ve checked your stock status, set your pricing, and planned your promotions using last year’s data—all that’s left to do is monitor. Make sure to check-in on your Black Friday and Cyber Monday Amazon sales frequently.

At Omnitail, we make bid adjustments throughout the day on Black Friday to push products that are doing well and cut back on those that aren’t. To learn more about bidding on Amazon, check out our page: What’s the Best Amazon Campaign Bidding Strategy? 

In addition to bidding, don’t forget to spend wisely! Often, businesses come to us after the season because they weren’t aggressive enough on Black Friday and Cyber Monday on Amazon.  Amazon’s attribution reporting doesn’t make this process easy, but it is necessary to reap the benefits of these big sales.

We hope this infographic helps you this holiday season on Amazon! For more help with your Amazon campaigns, don’t hesitate to reach out and speak with an Omnitail analyst today. 

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