Ask a Marketer: How Do I Write Pinterest Descriptions?

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To bullet point or not to bullet point. That was the question we asked when relaunching our organic marketing efforts on Pinterest. What our team found is that writing Pinterest descriptions takes some nuance—especially for eCommerce marketers. 

In general, Pinterest (both as an organic and paid social platform) can be great for an eCommerce business’s content strategy. The platform lets you visually showcase your products, drive traffic to your website, and connect with a highly engaged audience. But writing Pinterest descriptions isn’t just about introducing a topic or explaining the post; it’s about engaging with users and encouraging them to take action. Here are a few guidelines we use that you can implement to help you craft compelling Pinterest descriptions:

Create a conversational, positive, and friendly tone. While you should stick to your brand voice, the tone of the descriptions should be warm and inviting, making users feel like they are receiving advice from a friend. Be sure to also focus on the benefits and positive outcomes you’re promoting to draw your audience in further. 

Keep it action-oriented. Encourage users to take specific actions like clicking on the pin, visiting your website, or trying out a tip for themselves. For instance, a clear call-to-action like “Click to discover more tips!” or “Visit our website for exclusive deals!” guides users on what to do next, keeping them engaged and connected with your brand.

Write in short paragraph format. Stay mindful of Pinterest’s 500-character limit and avoid using bullet points because Pinterest doesn’t display them as intended. Instead, write out the information in a concise, easily readable paragraph to convey your message in a brief and straightforward manner. For example, instead of listing out features, you could write: “Our new collection of shoes is comfortable, stylish, and affordable—perfect for any occasion.” 

Include relevant keywords, naturally. Using keywords can improve searchability both within Pinterest and search engines, allowing more users to come across your Pinterest content. Incorporating them within the description in a natural way like “Discover the best skincare tips for glowing skin” instead of just “skincare tips,” can elevate visibility without feeling forced. 

Utilize hashtags to increase visibility. Incorporating relevant hashtags into your content increases visibility when someone is searching for a term or item. For example, if you’re sharing a pin about summer fashion trends, you could use hashtags like #SummerStyle, #FashionTrends, and #OOTD. While keywords aren’t necessary for Pinterest, it doesn’t hurt to also use them to further increase visibility.

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