Ask a Marketer: How Do You Opt Out of Microsoft Audience Network?

How to opt out of MSAN

We use our expertise to answer your question. 

The short answer: You can’t opt out of Microsoft Audience Network (MSAN). 

The long answer: Prior to May 2024, advertisers could ask their Bing Support rep to opt them out of MSAN. However, this is no longer an available option. 

The forced adoption of MSAN is yet another update from Microsoft that makes it tougher for businesses to avoid unexpected increases in ad spend. Back in February 2023, Microsoft started automatically opting all accounts into MSAN, which more than doubled the spend for some. But don’t worry, there’s still a workaround to help keep overspending at bay—website exclusions.

If you’re still seeing success with MSAN, but want to make it more efficient for your business, using website exclusions can help improve your strategy. Like the name suggests, this option allows you to exclude any websites you find are causing performance issues. A downside with this workaround is the lack of recommended alternative ad inventory to which you would redirect your ad spend. Because of this, you should add it back into your general marketing budget to test additional platforms or paid media outlets. 

But remember, this workaround is not a permanent fix. We find that Microsoft Ads is always capable of finding new MSAN websites to spend your budget on. As such, you will need to stay on top of your exclusion lists (and consider setting up some automated alerts) to ensure you’re not overspending.

This forced adoption of MSAN, coupled with the constant changes over the years, are just a few of the reasons we suggest opting out of MSAN entirely. You can read our blog post for more information on why it’s time to break up with MSAN.

If MSAN isn’t bringing you the results you want, or if you need more oversight over your accounts, partner with us. We’re a results-driven online marketing agency that stays current with industry changes, closely monitors accounts, and takes action to control your ad spend. Contact us today to get started.

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