PPC Automation: Is It Worthwhile? [Infographic]

As more and more businesses turn to digital marketing and the complexity of campaigns grows, PPC automation is becoming increasingly popular. Automation ranges from Google’s own automated bidding and Smart Shopping campaigns, to full-scale third party platforms managing all types of ads.

It sounds easy: just flip the switch and let the AI do the work. But do you really know what’s going on behind the scenes? Can you be 100% sure your ads are performing to their maximum potential? Do you have any idea why your ads are successful – or why they’re struggling?

On the other hand, manual campaign management is time-consuming and comes with its own set of problems. How do you know when to increase bids – and when to cut back? What’s the best way to build your campaigns? Why are some products selling well, while others struggle to even appear?

We can’t tell you which approach is better for your business – but we can arm you with some useful information. Check out the infographic below for a full breakdown of automated vs manual campaigns, and discover which is best for your advertising!

Still not sure? Check out our whitepaper for more on Google Smart Shopping Campaigns!


You’ll learn…

  • The pros and cons of PPC automation;
  • Which aspects of campaign management you control with automated campaigns – and which are controlled by AI;
  • The impact of PPC automation on events like Black Friday; and
  • How expert knowledge can help you successfully navigate manual campaign management.

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