How to Manage Target Impression Share [Infographic]

If you want your search ads to appear at the top of search results, you may be considering Target Impression Share bidding on Google Ads. This automated bidding strategy lets you target certain placements within Google search. Then, your bids are automatically adjusted to help you win those placements. 

In this infographic, you’ll learn how to manage Target Impression Share bidding to help you grow your Google Ads campaigns. Check out the infographic below: 

target impression share infographic

Target Impression Share can help you rank higher in search results—but that doesn’t mean it can necessarily help you grow your business. There are a few reasons we do not recommend using this automated bidding strategy. 

Just because your ad is at the top of the page doesn’t mean the person who sees your ad is ready to purchase. It also may not be worth it to bid the recommended amount for impression share. 

Competitors sometimes spend too much money to appear at the very top of search results. Outbidding them may not be profitable or productive. Often, it’s more advantageous to appear in the second position. Finally, other strategies can help you achieve the same results as Target Impression Share. 

Want to learn more about automated bidding on Google Ads? Check out our white paper: “Grow Profit with Google Ads: Automated Bidding Strategies“. Inside you’ll learn which strategies are best for your business, and how to manage them to grow your campaigns. 


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