Will iOS 17 impact mobile advertising?

We use our expertise to answer your question.

To be blunt: Yes, we do believe the public release of iOS 17 will force advertisers to rethink mobile ad strategies.

If you don’t know, the iOS 17 release will introduce significant privacy updates that essentially strip out any UTM parameters that identify a unique individual. This includes parameters like ad click ID, which we marketers use to report on user-level activity and engagement—and has been a consistent cornerstone of advertising strategies.

Based on what we know so far, advertisers will likely need to get really creative to work around these privacy updates to continue to report on user-level activity, or reset reporting expectations with clients, customers, colleagues, and leadership…at least until Apple either reverts these privacy updates or Google releases their own “reporting fix” that works alongside them.

We’ll continue to report on this development as it unfolds.

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